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How Do I Measure for the Hydraulic Fitting I Need?

How Do I Measure for the Hydraulic Fitting I Need?

September 25, 2020

How Do I Measure for the Hydraulic Fitting I Need?

It's not a difficult process to measure for the correct hydraulic fitting, and it's extremely important that you do so. You might think that you're an experienced veteran who doesn't need to go through the measuring process, but that can quickly get you into trouble. Fittings and hoses which are an apparent match can be just a tiny bit off, and that will always lead to a hydraulic leak that can shut down your operation. The information below will help you to go through the measurement process quickly and efficiently, so as to avoid any possible leakage issues. Identifying the Tools Needed and Thread Type Tools:
  • ID/OD calipers 
  • Thread pitch gauge - used to place the gauge teeth on the threads, until you see that there's a tight fit.
Make sure there is no gap between the fitting and the gauge teeth. If your fitting is somewhat worn, it might be difficult to obtain a match, so you're better off to work with newer fittings. Most manufacturers of fittings provide thread identification guides on their websites or in brochures that come with the products, so all you have to do is match the relevant charts to the actual thread measurement.
  • Measuring the Outer Diameter of the thread - place the ID/OD caliper around the threads so as to obtain a snug fit.
  • Measuring the Inner Diameter of the thread - insert the caliper into the fitting so you can obtain the correct measurement, and match it to the data charts provided by the manufacturer. 
  • Determine if yours is parallel or tapered.


How to Measure Your Hydraulic Fitting

If you don't make sure your hydraulic fitting is matched correctly to the hose you're working with, you'll probably find very quickly that you have a fluid leak, and even worse, some kind of system failure. Don't be fooled by using a replacement part that looks to be the right size and apparently attaches cleanly to the hose. That's just an accident waiting to happen. In light of the fact that it's so easy to make sure you have the right hydraulic fitting, there is literally no reason to make a wrong guess that will almost certainly come back to haunt you. Finding the right hydraulic fitting is simply a matter of coming up with a component that has the right length, diameter, thread gauge, and angle. 
  1. First you should determine the length of a hydraulic fitting by laying it on a table and then stretching your measuring tape across the top of it. 
  2. Next, determine the outside diameter of the fitting by using your ID/OD calipers.
  3. Place the calipers on the outer side of the fitting and then slowly open the jaws so that the fitting rests securely between them. 
  4. Once it is securely inside the jaws, close down the calipers so that both jaws touch the exterior of the fitting. 
  5. The number you see on the top scale will be the correct reading for the outside diameter. 
To find the inside diameter, you should do the same steps as you used for measuring the outside diameter, except that you will have to place the jaws of the caliper on the inside of the fitting. In order to determine the thread gauge, the distributor will use a pitch gauge on the threads, and then the teeth of the pitch gauge which matches the threads will determine the size of the thread gauge. How To Measure Your Hydraulic Fitting Figuring Out Which Connector Type You Need It shouldn't be difficult to figure out the type of fitting you need when making connections on your project. There are a number of different connectors available for almost every need, so you'll certainly be able to find the appropriate connector to do the job. The first type of connector is the simplest, and that's just a cap which terminates the line right there.
  • An elbow connector is useful when you have lines going at a 90° angle from each other. 
  • A T connection allows for an input at either side and an output which goes off in a different direction, forming the distinctive T shape. 
  • An adapter connection will allow you to connect hoses of different sizes, either with a step-up or step-down arrangement.
A coupling is similar to a union except that a union will be more heavily threaded on both ends. A bushing has one threaded end and one non-threaded end, so that only a single fitting would be needed. There are even more connector types than the ones described above, and in order to find the perfect connector for a job you have in mind, it will be a simple matter to consult with your local hydraulics expert. Sapphire Hydraulics If you should have a need for hydraulic hose repair or hydraulic cylinder repair, you'll want the job done quickly and efficiently, so you have minimal downtime. You'll also want the job done correctly the first time, so you don't experience a second outage that costs you even more money. In either of these cases, the company to contact is Sapphire Hydraulics. With more than 13 years of experience in providing such services, as well as the ability to create custom hydraulic equipment that satisfies your business needs, we have the 'can-do' attitude which will keep your equipment up and running, and your projects on schedule. Contact us at Sapphire Hydraulics with any inquiries you might have, or to obtain a quote for services.